

February 5, 2020

Meet Banyan the sweetest little chubby cheek boy who without a doubt is a huge blessing to his family. Banyan’s big brother Carver was taken from his family when he was only 19 months old (3 years ago). Everyone who knows Carver will tell you his sweet little face would light up a room, his precious little life may have been taken too soon, but his memory will live on forever. We had lots of tears during Banyan’s newborn session, we could feel Carvers presences during the entire session. Mom brought along some very meaningful props of Carver’s to incorporate into his baby brothers session.

Those who have a rainbow baby, you know how very special they are. For me this session was very touching, Banyan’s sweet parents trusted ME to capture these special moments. I know these photos are important to his family, but they are so very special to me as well. I had the honor of meeting Roglyn when I was hosting a rainbow baby photoshoot in September. I will be posting these so you can see how gorgeous she was while carrying her sweet little rainbow baby.

In these photos you will see we did some rainbow themed photos, Banyan also held his mommy’s necklace which has his brothers hand print on it. The little bow tie was made for Carver and was used in his newborn photos, so we had to make sure Banyan could wear it for his as well. The bonnet used in the heart prop was also his brothers. We are 100% certain we honored his brothers life during his session, which is extremely important to his family.

Thank you to Roglyn & Ryan for giving me the opportunity to capture Banyan as a newborn. I can’t wait to see him in the studio every few months.




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